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MNU_0041M - Maintain Transaction Access (via Transaction)


This transaction will list the contents of the MNU-TRAN-ACCESS table for the Transaction selected in the parent form. It will show all available Security Classes and indicate whether that Transaction is allowed to be accessed by members of that Security Class or not. If the Transaction is accessible then the ACCESS ALLOWED switch will be set ON (ticked), otherwise it will be OFF (blank).

Refer to Appendix J: Transaction Access Profiles for more details.

When a Transaction is initially created all ACCESS ALLOWED switches are set OFF, and must be turned ON as and when required.

The setting of the switch on any line can be changed just by double clicking on that line.

Access Allowed Set to ON (ticked) to allow access.
Set to OFF (blank) to disallow access.


Store Update the database, remain in this screen.
OK Update the database and return to the parent form.
Cancel Exit without updating the database.
