Here are some awards which I have won:
An anonymous fan (yes, I *do* have fans who admire my work despite what my numerous critics have to say) has taken it upon him/her self to nominate me for an award with Corprate LiveWire. They sift through the nominations looking for market leaders, innovators and people or organisations who demonstrate excellence in their particular field. After shortlisting the nominees each one is formally requested to accept the nomination before it is carried forward to the judging phase. I was surprised to learn that I had been nominated for an award as the usual emails I receive concerning my work is that it is total rubbish and that nobody should listen to anything I have to say about OOP. I gladly accepted the nomination, but I never believed that I would actually win anything (apart from a wooden spoon that is). Image my surprise when I was informed that I had actually won an award!! Quelle surprise!
Image my surprise when later on I started winning other awards. I was well and truly gobsmacked.