The purpose of this function is to allow the user to update the details of entries on the DICT_COLUMN table of the data dictionary.
This form is accessed by an option on the navigation bar in the List Column screen.
For a complete description of how this type of form works please see Transaction Pattern UPDATE 1.
Note that some of the following fields are only valid for certain column types, so will not be shown if they are not relevant.
Field Name | Type | Description |
database_id | STRING | Required. The name of the database. |
table_id | STRING | Required. The name of the table. |
column_id | STRING | Required. The name of the column. |
column_seq | NUMERIC | Required. The sequence number of this column within the table's definition. |
column_name | STRING | Required. A user-defined name for the column. During the IMPORT process this is initially set to COLUMN_ID. If this is set to 'DEPRECATED' the column will be excluded from the <tablename> file which is created in the Export Files process. |
column_desc | TEXT | Optional. A user-defined description for the column. |
col_type | STRING | Required. The column type as used by the application. In some cases this may be different from the database type in which case the possible choices are shown in a dropdown list. This situation exists, for example, where a database does not have a BOOLEAN datatype in which case a CHAR(1) or TINYINT(1) can be used instead. This is also the case for the Oracle DATE datatype which can either be used as DATE on its own, TIME on its own, or DATE and TIME combined. |
col_array_type | STRING | By default each datatype holds a single value, but with the PostgreSQL database it is possible to have a datatype which holds an array of values. In this case COL_TYPE is set to "ARRAY" and COL_ARRAY_TYPE is set to the underlying datatype such as VARCHAR, NUMBER, etc. |
col_values | TEXT | Optional. This is the array of field values for MySQL fields of type 'ENUM' or 'SET'. |
col_size | NUMERIC | Required. The column size as defined by the user. It starts off the same as COL_MAXSIZE, but may be reduced. |
col_maxsize | NUMERIC | Required. The column size as defined in the database. |
col_null | STRING | Required. Identifies if the column value is allowed to be NULL or not. Possible values are:
is_required | BOOLEAN | Required. Indicates if the column value is required or not. This is initially set using the value in COL_NULL. Possible values are:
col_key | STRING | Optional. Indicates if this column is part of a key or index. Possible values are:
col_default | STRING | Optional. The default value for this column as defined within the database. If IS_REQUIRED is TRUE and no value is supplied on an INSERT, this default value will be used. |
col_auto_increment | BOOLEAN | Required. Indicates if this column is set to 'auto_increment' within the database. Possible values are:
col_unsigned | BOOLEAN | Required. For numeric columns this turns off the ability to store values with a plus or minus sign (+/-). Only positive values can be stored. For MySQL this allows the maximum value to be doubled as the sign bit can be used as part of the value. |
col_zerofill_bwz | STRING | Optional. Available for numeric/decimal fields only. Possible values are:
col_precision | NUMERIC | Optional. For numeric values this is the number of significant decimal digits. For example, the value 999.99 has a precision of 5. |
col_scale | NUMERIC | Optional. For numeric values this is the number of digits that can be stored following the decimal point. For example, the value 999.99 has a scale of 2. |
col_minvalue | NUMERIC | Optional. For numeric fields this is the minimum value allowed by the database. |
col_maxvalue | NUMERIC | Optional. For numeric fields this is the maximum value allowed by the database. |
min_value | NUMERIC | Optional. This starts off with the same value as COL_MINVALUE, but can be customised by the user. |
max_value | NUMERIC | Optional. This starts off with the same value as COL_MAXVALUE, but can be customised by the user. |
noedit_nodisplay | STRING | Optional. This is used by the presentation layer only. Possible values are:
nosearch | STRING | This is used by the presentation layer only. Possible values are: |
noaudit | STRING | This is used by the data access layer only. Possible values are:
upper_lowercase | STRING | optional. For string fields this forces all input to be shifted to upper or lowercase before being written to the database. |
is_password | BOOLEAN | Required. This is used by the presentation layer only. As characters are input they are masked, typically by a series of asterisks, to protect sensitive information from onlookers. However, they are still transmitted to the server in clear text. |
auto_insert | BOOLEAN | Required. This is only used when new records are inserted. Possible values are:
auto_update | BOOLEAN | Required. This is only used when existing records are updated. Possible values are:
infinityisnull | BOOLEAN | Required. This is valid for columns of type DATE only. It means that a blank date on the screen will be held in the database as '9999-12-31' instead of '0000-00-00'. See Dealing with null End Dates for a detailed explanation. |
subtype | STRING | Optional. This option is available for string fields only. Possible values are:
custom_validation | STRING | This option is available on any field. It identifies the validation method to be used for this field. The format is 'file/class/method' where:
image_width | NUMERIC | Optional. Identifies the width of the image in pixels. Only valid if CONTROL='IMAGE' or SUBTYPE='IMAGE'. |
image_height | NUMERIC | Optional. Identifies the height of the image in pixels. Only valid if CONTROL='IMAGE' or SUBTYPE='IMAGE'. |
is_boolean | BOOLEAN | Optional. The DBMS may not support a column type of BOOLEAN, in which case a 1-character field may be used as a substitute. This column may be set to TRUE to force the application to treat such a field as BOOLEAN so that its values can be limited to either BOOLEAN_TRUE or BOOLEAN_FALSE. |
boolean_true | STRING | Only valid if IS_BOOLEAN='TRUE'. Identifies how the value 'TRUE' is stored. typically something like '1' or 'T' or 'Y'. |
boolean_false | STRING | Optional. Only valid if IS_BOOLEAN='TRUE'. Identifies how the value 'FALSE' is stored. typically something like '0' or 'F' or 'N'. |
control | STRING | Optional. This identifies the HTML control to be used when the field is built into a screen (and is amendable). Possible values are: |
optionlist | STRING | Optional. This is valid for dropdown lists and radio groups only. It is the name the list of items that will be used to populate that HTML control. This list should be constructed within the table class and written out to the XML file.
Note: If the column type is BOOLEAN you may specify the name 'boolean' which refers to a list which is built into the framework and does not have to be constructed manually. |
checkbox_label | STRING | Optional. This is valid for checkboxes only. It is for an additional piece of text which may appear either to the left or right of the control depending on ALIGN_LR.
This label can either be defined as a fixed string, such as FOOBAR , or as the instruction getLanguageText('id') which will retrieve text which has been translated into the user's language (refer to Appendix O).
task_id | STRING | Optional. If the CONTROL type is 'File Picker' or 'Popup' this is the name of the Task that will be activated to provide the picklist of available options. |
foreign_field | STRING | Optional. If the CONTROL type is 'Popup' this is name of a field on the foreign table that will be merged with the contents of the current table before being output to the XML file. |
align_hv | STRING | Optional. If the CONTROL type is 'Radio Group' or 'Multi Checkbox' this identifies how the list of options should be aligned. Possible values are:
This can be used to produce effects such as: ![]() or ![]() |
align_lr | STRING | Optional. If the CONTROL type is 'Radio Group', 'Checkbox' or 'Multi Checkbox' this identifies whether the text should be to the left or the right of the control. For 'Checkbox' this only applies if an additional checkbox label has been defined. Possible values are:
This can be used to produce effects such as: ![]() or ![]() |
multi_cols | NUMERIC | optional. If the CONTROL type is 'Multi-Line' this identifies the width of the text box in columns. |
multi_rows | NUMERIC | Optional. If the CONTROL type is 'Multi-Line' this identifies the height of the text box in rows (lines).
If the CONTROL type is 'Dropdown' or 'Multi-Dropdown' this identifies the height of the scrollable area in rows (lines). |
The following fields are set automatically by the system: | ||
created_date | DATE+TIME | The date and time on which this record was created. |
created_user | STRING | The identity of the USER who created this record. |
revised_date | DATE+TIME | The date and time on which this record was last changed. |
revised_user | STRING | The identity of the USER who last changed this record. |