workflow_banner (2K)

wf_token(enq) - Enquire Workflow Token

wf-token(enq) (9K)

The purpose of this function is to allow the user to view the details of entries on the TOKEN table.

This form is accessed by selecting entries in the List Workflow Token screen before pressing the 'READ' button in the navigation bar.

For a complete description of how this type of form works please see Transaction Pattern ENQUIRE 1.

Field List
Field NameTypeDescription
Workflow ID NUMERIC This points to an entry on the WORKFLOW table.
Case ID NUMERIC This points to an entry on the CASE table.
Token ID NUMERIC This is the primary key for this entry.
Place ID NUMERIC This points to an entry on the PLACE table.
Token Status STRING Possible options are:
  • FREE - Free
  • LOCK - Locked
  • CONS - Consumed
  • CANC - Cancelled
Context STRING The primary key of the database entry which initiated this case.
Enabled Date DATE+TIME The date on which this token was enabled.
Cancelled Date DATE+TIME The date on which this token was cancelled.
Consumed Date DATE+TIME The date on which this token was consumed.