The purpose of this form is to allow the user to view the detials of an entry on the DICT_TABLE_KEY table of the dictionary database.
This form is accessed by an option on the navigation bar in the List Key screen.
For a complete description of how this type of form works please see Transaction Pattern ENQUIRE 1.
Note that all values are set when the table details are imported and cannot be changed once they are within the dictionary.
Field Name | Type | Description |
database_id | STRING | The name of the database. |
table_id | STRING | The name of the table. |
key_name | STRING | As a table can have more than one key each one requires a unique identifier. The primary key is given the name 'PRIMARY'. |
column_id | STRING | This is the name column that appears within this key. A column may appear only once in any key, but it may appear in more than key for the same table. |
seq_in_index | NUMERIC | A key may be comprised of more than one column, so this is the sequence number of this column within the key. |
is_unique | BOOLEAN | Keys may be unique or non-unique. This identifies if the key is unique or not. |
column_seq | NUMERIC | This is the sequence number of the entry returned by the SHOW INDEX statement which was issued to the database. |
The following fields are set automatically by the system: | ||
created_date | DATE+TIME | The date and time on which this record was created. |
created_user | STRING | The identity of the USER who created this record. |
revised_date | DATE+TIME | The date and time on which this record was last changed. |
revised_user | STRING | The identity of the USER who last changed this record. |