// Copyright 2003 by A J Marston <http://www.tonymarston.net>
// Distributed under the GNU General Public Licence
// Produce a calendar for a selected year.
// This will print the months in 3 rows of 4,
// with the days shown vertically (Monday to Sunday),
// and the weeks shown horizontally.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>Year-to-a-Page Calendar</title>
<meta http-equiv='Content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' >
<style type="text/css">
.month { text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }
.dayname { font-weight: bold; }
.sat { color: red; }
.sun { color: red; }
<div align="center">
<h1>Year-to-a-Page Calendar</h1>
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($url['path'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
// somebody is screwing with the URL! Posasible XSS attack!
header('Location: ' .$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
} // if
} // if
if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
$year = $_GET['year'];
} else {
$year = '';
} // if
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="GET">
<p>Enter Year: <input type="text" name="year" size="4" value="<?php echo $year ?>" >
<input type="submit" value="GO" ></p>
// validate year
if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
$valid = TRUE;
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $year)) {
echo "<p>Year must be an integer</p>\n";
$valid = FALSE;
} elseif ($year < 1901) {
echo "<p>Year cannot be less than 1901</p>\n";
$valid = FALSE;
} // if
} // if
if (isset($_GET['year']) and ($valid)) {
// start at 1st day of 1st month in this year
$dd = 1;
$mm = 1;
$ccyy = $year;
// convert components into date format
$date = strtotime("$ccyy-$mm-$dd");
// create array of date information
$today = getdate($date);
// build array of dates until the year changes
$date_array = array();
do {
build_array($ccyy, $mm, $dd);
} while($ccyy == $year);
// transfer contents of $date-array into an HTML table
} // if
function build_array(&$ccyy, &$mm, &$dd)
// build an array containing every date for the selected year
global $date;
global $today;
global $date_array;
static $month_no;
static $week_no;
// at change of month reset to week 1 of 6
if ($mm > $month_no) {
$month_no = $mm;
$week_no = 1;
} // if
$dow = $today['wday']; // get day of week (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
if ($dow == 0) {
$dow = 7; // convert Sunday to day 7
} // if
// add to array
$date_array[$month_no][$week_no][$dow] = $dd;
// after day 7 increment to next week
if ($dow == 7) {
$week_no = $week_no + 1;
} // if
// increment date to next day
$date = strtotime("+1 day", $date);
// create array of date information
$today = getdate($date);
// extract ccyy, mm, dd
$ccyy = $today['year'];
$mm = $today['mon'];
$dd = $today['mday'];
} // build_array
function print_array($date_array) {
// set of array for day-of-week
$day_names = array(1 => 'MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT','SUN');
// set up array of month names
$month_names = array(1 => 'J A N U A R Y',
'F E B R U A R Y',
'M A R C H',
'A P R I L',
'M A Y',
'J U N E',
'J U L Y',
'A U G U S T',
'S E P T E M B E R',
'O C T O B E R',
'N O V E M B E R',
'D E C E M B E R');
echo "<table border='0'>\n";
echo '<colgroup width="50">';
echo '<colgroup span="6" width="22">';
echo '<colgroup width="20">';
echo '<colgroup span="6" width="22">';
echo '<colgroup width="20">';
echo '<colgroup span="6" width="22">';
echo '<colgroup width="20">';
echo "<colgroup span='6' width='22'>\n";
// print the array in 3 rows with 4 months in each row
for ($row = 1; $row <= 3; $row++) {
// identify the starting month in current row
$first = set_start_month($row);
// process one row at a time (the 1st line contains the month names)
echo "<tr class='month'>\n";
for ($m = $first; $m <= $first+3; $m++) {
echo "<td> </td><td colspan='6'>" .$month_names[$m] ."</td>\n";
} // for
echo "</tr>\n";
// output a line for each of the 7 days of the week
for ($dow = 1; $dow <= 7; $dow++) {
echo "<tr class='".strtolower($day_names[$dow])."'>\n";
// step through each of the 4 months in this row
for ($m = $first; $m <= $first+3; $m++) {
// output the details for 4 consecutive months
// 1st cell identifies the day of week (first month of the 4)
if ($m == $first) {
echo "<td class='dayname'>" .$day_names[$dow] ."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td> </td>"; // not first month, so cell is empty
} // if
// the next 6 cells are for the dates that fall on that day
for ($week = 1; $week <= 6; $week++) {
if (isset($date_array[$m][$week][$dow])) {
echo "<td>" .$date_array[$m][$week][$dow] ."</td>";
} else {
echo "<td> </td>";
} // if
} // for
} // for
echo "\n</tr>\n";
} // for
// output a blank line at the end of each row of months
echo "<tr><td colspan='28'> </td></tr>\n";
} // for
echo "</table>\n";
} // print_array
function set_start_month($row) {
// identify the first month in each of the three rows
if ($row == 1) {
$first = 1;
} elseif ($row == 2) {
$first = 5;
} else {
$first = 9;
} // if
return $first;
} // set_start_month