menu_banner (2K)

mnu_task_alt(upd1) - Update Task (Alternative Language)

mnu_task_alt(upd1) (19K)

The purpose of this function is to allow the user to update the details of entries on the TASK-ALT table. This implements the Internationalisation feature within RADICORE.

This form is accessed by selecting entries in the Maintain Alternative Languages for Task screen before pressing the 'UPDATE' button in the navigation bar.

For a complete description of how this type of form works please see Transaction Pattern UPDATE 1.

Field List
Field NameTypeDescription
Task Id String Required. The identity of a Task on the MNU_TASK table.
Language Id String Required. The identity of a supported language on the MNU_LANGUAGE table.
Task Description String Required. This is the description which should be in the same language as the language_id field.